
The Wireless Communications and Networking Laboratory (WICON), directed by Professor Marwan Krunz, conducts state-of-the-art research in wireless communications, networking, and security, with particular emphasis on resource optimization, protocol design, and security (Physical and MAC layers). Currently funded projects address various challenges in 4G/5G cellular systems (synchronization, cell identification, cross-technology coexistence, and others), mmWave communications (analog/digital beamforming, directional access, phased antenna arrays, wireless backhauling, etc.), cognitive/agile radios, dynamic spectrum sharing, harmonious coexistence of heterogeneous systems, full-duplex transmissions, ultra-low-latency mobile edge computing (MEC), network slicing, wireless security, satellite communications, MIMO systems, energy management in wireless sensor networks, and streaming over wireless links. Some of our recent projects explore novel applications of AI and Machine Learning (ML) in wireless communications, including ML-based signal classification (e.g., modulation classification and protocol identification), adversarial machine learning (AML) attacks on signal classifiers, and defenses against such attacks.

The WICON team is a part of the Wireless Innovation towards Secure, Pervasive, Efficient, and Resilient Next G Networks (WISPER) and Broadband Wireless Access and Applications Center (BWAC).

Learn more about us at our YouTube channel.