- Kenneth VonBehren Endowed Professor, University of Arizona (August 2015 – August 2023).
- Distinguished Alumni Award, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Michigan State University (2020).
- IEEE Fellow (2010).
- Fellow of the Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association (2021).
- IEEE Communications Society Distinguished Lecturer (2013 and 2014).
- IEEE Communications Society Technical Committee on Communications Outstanding Service Award (2012).
- Arizona Engineering Faculty Fellow (2011–2014).
- Chair of Excellence ("Catedra de Excelencia"), University of Carlos III de Madrid, 2011 (one US awardee selected in that year).
- Editor-in-Chief, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (2017–2020).
- Fulbright Senior Specialist Award (2011).
- Best-paper award, ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWim’18), for the paper “FastLink: An efficient initial access protocol for millimeter wave systems,” (coauthored with Irmak Aykin), 2018.
- Best student-paper award, International Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks and Communications (CrownCom 2007), for the paper “Price-based spectrum management in cog- nitive radio networks,” (coauthored with Fan Wang and Shuguang Cui), 2007.
- NSF CAREER award, 1998.
- Coauthored paper “Exploiting frame preamble waveforms to support new physical-layer functions in OFDM-based 802.11 systems,” was selected by the IEEE COMSOC as a Tech Focus paper on prototyping wireless networks, 2018.
- Runner-up for best-paper award, WiOpt 2014 Symposium (4 finalists selected from 167 submissions) for the paper “On the throughput of full-duplex MIMO in the multi-link case,” coauthored with Diep Nguyen and Stephen Hanly.
- Runner-up for for best-paper award, IEEE 2005 Technical Committee on Multimedia Communication for the paper “A playback-adaptive approach for video streaming over wireless networks” (co-authored with M. Hassan), Proc. of the IEEE GLOBECOM 2005 Conference - Wireless Communication Symposium.
- International Thoman Fellowship Award for Outstanding Doctoral Candidates, 1994. ASAI Scholarship, ASAI Association (1992–1995).
- Michigan State University Summer Graduate Fellowship, 1995.