Exploiting SIS in Dynamic Spectrum Access Systems
Motivation - Traditional handheld radios are half-duplex (HD), with one transceiver used for alternate transmission and reception. More advanced radios can use two or more transceivers, allowing the radio to perform simultaneous transmission and reception over different transmit and receive channels (henceforth called STAR-D capability). In theory, it is possible to implement STAR-D with a single transceiver by exploiting orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) technology. However, this is not quite straightforward when the transmission and reception channels are adjacent, with no or little guard-band in between to shield the receiver from the transmitted signal's side lobes and "spectral leakage" (caused by filter imperfections). Simultaneous transmission and reception over the same channel (STAR-S) is a further advancement over STAR-D. Its ultimate goal is to achieve full-duplex (FD) communications using a single transceiver (see Figure 1).

Figure 1: Full-duplex vs. half-duplex communications.
Until recently, STAR-S was deemed impossible. Essentially, the problem is that the transmitted power from a given device is typically much higher than the received power of another signal that the same device is trying to capture. While the device is receiving a signal, its own transmitted signal is considered as self-interference. The infeasibility of STAR-S communications has recently been challenged by several research groups, which have successfully demonstrated the possibility of FD communications using self-interference suppression (SIS) techniques. The main idea in these works is to sufficiently suppress self-interference through a combination of techniques (e.g., RF analog cancellation, digital baseband interference cancellation, circulators, phase shifters, etc.) to a level that enables FD communications. Specifically, it has been shown that a node's own transmission can be suppressed by up to 110 dB (noise floor), depending on the underlying SIS schemes. Such a level of SIS has significant ramifications on network protocols, which are often designed under the assumption of HD radios.
Research Agenda - In this project, we investigate the application of SIS in dynamic spectrum access (DSA) systems. Specifically, we consider an opportunistic DSA system in which a network of secondary users (SUs) coexists geographically with one or more primary user (PU) networks (see Figure 2). In a typical DSA setup, a transmitting SU must periodically interrupt its transmission and sense the underlying channel for any PU activity. This process, known as Listen-Before-Talk (LBT), results in unnecessary degradation in the throughput of the secondary network, not to mention its undesirable effect on real-time communications. An SU device can exploit SIS to remedy this situation by performing simultaneous transmission and sensing (TS) on the same channel. Alternatively, the SU can exploit SIS to enable bidirectional simultaneous transmission-reception (TR) over the same channel while still implementing a LBT strategy. In general, a combination of the two models (TS and TR) is possible, as illustrated in Figure 3(b). In this project, we investigate the optimal policy for the SU link, taking into consideration the tradeoff between spectrum efficiency (enhancing the throughput by operating in the TR mode) and spectrum awareness (improving the detection capability by operating in the TS mode).

Figure 2: System model for a secondary network, where SUs opportunistically access the spectrum of a PU network. Each SU i consists of a transceiver with a given SIS capability factor χi . hij is the channel gain from transmitter i to receiver j. PRx is a PU receiver, PTx is a PU transmitter.
When operating in the TS mode, the SU may conduct the sensing operation over multiple (consecutive) short periods instead of one long sensing period (see Figure 4). Formally, while transmitting data for a period of T seconds, the SU may sense the spectrum for m consecutive sensing periods Tsi, i=1,2,...,m. The motivation behind this approach is to account for the tradeoff between sensing efficiency and the timeliness in detecting PU activity. Basically, by increasing the duration of a sensing period, the SU can achieve better sensing efficiency (reduce the false-alarm and miss-detection probabilities). On the other hand, such an increase implies delaying the time to make a decision regarding the presence/absence of PU activity. Note that during any sensing period, the SU samples the energy of the channel several times, computes the average of these measurements, and decides at the end of that sensing period whether the PU is active or idle. Furthermore, because the sensing efficiency in the TS mode depends on how much SIS is possible, in some cases it may be preferable for the SU to operate in a sensing-only (SO) mode (as in the LBT strategy) so as to ensure acceptable sensing accuracy. Considering the availability of multiple channels, the SU may also decide to perform channel switching (CS) if the PU is highly likely to return to the currently used channel. An important aspect of our research effort deals with determining how to optimally switch between different possible modes, considering a highly dynamic wireless environment and the possibility of colliding with PUs. Specific tasks include the following.

Figure 3: Listen-Before-Talk scheme vs. SIS-enabled TS and TR modes (shown combined). 'T' stands for transmitting, 'R' stands for receiving, and 'S' stands for sensing.

Figure 4: Transmission-sensing mode.
1) Optimal Transmission/Sensing/Reception Strategy
In this task, we aim at finding the optimal strategy that maximizes the SU's "utility" (e.g., link throughput) subject to a constraint on the PU outage probability. One possible approach to achieve this goal is to formulate the problem as a partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP) and analyze the four actions (TR, TS, SO, CS) by determining the myopic and long-term rewards. The optimal strategy is found to be threshold-based, with thresholds that depend on the SU's belief about the PU state. Based on this belief, the SU will take an optimal action and then update his belief according to the outcome of that action. This outcome may be an ACK/NACK in case of transmission, free/busy in case of sensing, and decodable/undecodable in case of reception. The SU may also get a combination of these outcomes.
2) Sensing Accuracy under the TS Mode
The accuracy of any spectrum sensing technique is often expressed in terms of false-alarm and detection probabilities. As discussed before, in the TS mode this accuracy is directly impacted by the degree of SIS. In practice, it may not be possible to achieve 100% SIS, so when deriving the false-alarm and detection probabilities, one must account for the residual self-interference. This applies to both energy- as well as waveform-based sensing. Note that while energy-based sensing is widely used due to its simplicity, it cannot differentiate between various types of users. In contrast, waveform-based sensing relies on certain signatures of the PU signal for detection (e.g., known preambles, pilot symbols, etc.). In this task, we focus on evaluating the performance of both sensing techniques when used with the TS mode.
3) Resource Allocation for Full-duplex Modes
- Sensing and Transmission Durations
One important direction that is being pursued is optimizing the number of sensing periods within one transmission duration in the TS mode so as to minimize the PU outage probability (see Figure 4). We are also studying the sensing accuracy/throughput tradeoff for SUs under both TS and TR modes. Specifically, for both modes we seek to determine the optimal sensing and transmission durations that maximize the SU's throughput subject to constraints on the PU outage probability. The PU/SU collision probability and the SU throughput are studied for both modes.
- Transmission Power Control
We also investigate the power control problem for SUs, operating in the TR mode. In here, we consider a spectrum underlay model with K SU links. The objective is to find the optimal SU transmission powers that maximize the sum throughput of the K secondary links, operating in a FD fashion, under a PU outage probability constraint. There exists a tradeoff between limiting the interference (either self-interference or that of the PU) and efficiently utilizing the spectrum. On the one hand, the SU can increase the throughput of its link by transmitting and receiving data simultaneously over the same frequency channel. This can be done by operating in the TR mode. On the other hand, the SU can decrease the self-interference at its own node (especially under limited SIS capabilities) and control the interference at the PU receiver by either decreasing the transmission power or working in a HD fashion (i.e., operating in the transmission-only mode). Therefore, operating in FD fashion is not always efficient for SUs with low SIS capabilities due to high self-interference that will reduce the achievable SU throughput. We are investigating the optimal switching policy that determines the criteria for operating in either FD or HD fashion. These criteria depend mainly on the SIS capability of the communicating nodes, along with other parameters such as channel gains.
4) Transmission Coordination Protocol
We are also designing appropriate protocols that would allow SUs to switch between various modes. We are also addressing how two SUs negotiate over the control plane so as to achieve consistent operation and select the optimal action/mode given that two SUs may have different traffic volumes.
Related Publications
- Wessam Afifi and Marwan Krunz, "TSRA: An adaptive mechanism for switching between communication modes in full-duplex opportunistic spectrum access systems", IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), vol. 16, issue 6, pp. 1758-1772, June 2017.
- Wessam Afifi and Marwan Krunz, "Incorporating self-interference suppression for full-duplex operation in opportunistic spectrum access systems," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 2180-2191, April 2015.
- Wessam Afifi and Marwan Krunz, "Adaptive transmission-reception-sensing strategy for cognitive radios with full-duplex capabilities," Proc. of the IEEE DySPAN 2014 Conference, (Technology Track), pp. 149-160, McLean, VA, April 2014.
- Wessam Afifi and Marwan Krunz, "Optimal transmission-sensing-reception strategies for full-duplex dynamic spectrum access," University of Arizona, Department of ECE, TR-UA-ECE-2013-4, Aug. 2013.
- Wessam Afifi and Marwan Krunz, "Exploiting self-interference suppression for improved spectrum awareness/efficiency in cognitive radio systems", Proc. of the IEEE INFOCOM 2013 Conference, Turin, Italy, April 2013.
Studying the Feasibility of Full-duplex Communications from Network's Perspective
Classical wireless systems achieve bidirectional communications by separating the forward and reverse links in time, i.e., time division duplexing (TDD), or frequency, i.e., frequency division duplexing (FDD). Some wireless systems, such as 4G LTE, support both schemes (e.g., LTE-TDD and LTE-FDD). The challenge of achieving simultaneous transmission and reception on the same frequency, i.e., in-band full-duplex (FD) communications, is related to the strong self-interference that arises when a device that is receiving some information signal attempts to transmit another signal at the same time. Because of path loss, the received power of the intended signal (from the peer node) is often much weaker than the node’s self-interference. This results in saturating the ADC and prevents packet decoding. Recently, new designs for analog and digital self-interference cancellation (SIC) techniques have been proposed, which together provide up to 110 dB SIC on a single-antenna FD transceiver.
From one link’s perspective, the advantage of FD communications is clear; it basically doubles the link’s throughput. However, such gain is less obvious in the case of a network with multiple interfering links. When these links operate in the same vicinity (i.e., the same collision domain), it is not always optimal for all links to operate in FD fashion. To illustrate, consider the three scenarios in Figure 1. In each scenario, two links are active at the same time and over the same frequency channel. As shown in Figure 1(a) and according to the path-loss model, transmitting in an HD fashion enables both links a ==> b and c ==> d to operate simultaneously over the same channel, achieving a total throughput of 2R bps (For simplicity, in this example we assume that all transmissions are associated with a constant rate R.) However, if link a ==> b switches unilaterally from HD to FD, as shown in Figure 1(b), collisions may occur at both nodes a and d, reducing the network throughput to R bps (only a ==> b transmission is successful). The same argument applies if link c ==> d switches to FD mode instead of a ==> b. If both links operate in FD mode, collisions will occur at all four nodes, reducing the network throughput to zero (see Figure 1(c)). Note that this is a simplified example of a small network with only two links. The situation worsens with a higher number of links, where the collision probability increases between concurrent transmissions from different links.

Figure 1: Implications of operating wireless networks in FD fashion. (a) (HD, HD) strategy returns total throughput of 2R bps, (b) (FD, HD) strategy returns total throughput of R bps, while (c) (FD, FD) strategy returns zero throughput. The arcs represent the transmission ranges of different nodes.
In this project, we study the coexistence problem using game theory. Specifically,
- We analyze a simple (HD vs. FD) game between two bidirectional links to gain insight into the coexistence problem. In this game, links (players) know the exact SIC capabilities of each other. Simple utilities and interference models are considered. We find that the outcome of this game depends on two factors: Residual self-interference (RSI) (due to imperfect SIC) and external interference (from one link on the other).
- To capture the heterogeneity in SIC capabilities, we then formulate a Bayesian game between the two links. In this game, the SIC capability of each link specifies its ‘type,’ which is unknown to the other link. We derive the Bayesian Nash equilibrium (NE) for this game. From our analysis, we observe that the range of possible SIC values a given player may take can be divided into three regions (types). In two types, either the HD or the FD strategy is dominant, while the Bayesian NE in the third type depends mainly on the probability distribution of the other player’s types. Second, the thresholds that specify the regions of various SIC types depend, among other factors, on the outage probabilities of the player’s forward and reverse links. Accordingly, we derive closed-form expressions for these thresholds under different outage scenarios.
- To capture the interaction between more than two links, we consider a network of multiple FD-enabled links with heterogeneous SIC capabilities and study the same coexistence problem. Analyzing the Bayesian game for more than two links is very complex and intractable due to the mutual dependence between players’ actions and the fact that the exact SIC of players is unknown. Hence, we study the multi-player Bayesian game under the simplifying assumption that every player is mainly affected by a single dominating link. Under this assumption, we show that different games in the network do not involve more than two players.
Related Publications
- Wessam Afifi, Mohammad J. Abdel-Rahman, Marwan Krunz, and Allen B. MacKenzie, "Coexistence in wireless networks with heterogeneous self-interference cancellation capabilities", Proc. of the 14th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks (WiOpt'16), Tempe, Arizona, May 2016.